This page is dedicated to share scale modeling and other hobbies to all other enthusiasts who also love these stuffs. Hope you enjoy and please feel free to give me some comments no matter good or bad. Joey

Monday, August 13, 2012

Subaru Impreza WRX STI double project (7)

Need to be speed things up during my beloved's business trip. I have to gt as much progress as possible during her absence so I can spare more time with her later on.

But this clear coat is a beast! It is now very hard and I found it difficult to polish to a satisfying gross. It took at least double time for the same gross I had with GX100. But the gross it result is wonderful. Not sure it worth the effort after all but it doesn't hurt to try new products anyway~


  1. I know the feeling about trying to get work done while the lady of the house is away. The gloss you got looks great, was it 2 Pack you used?


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