This page is dedicated to share scale modeling and other hobbies to all other enthusiasts who also love these stuffs. Hope you enjoy and please feel free to give me some comments no matter good or bad. Joey

Friday, January 27, 2012

Kawasaki T-4 Blue Impulse 2008 (2)

The next thing to work on after fitting the wings and the intakes is the cockpit details.
There is hardly any details within the cockpit and I have decided to detail it up with some pieces of plastic sheets.

I started by marking the inner walls of the cockpit so I can work on the walls as well as the console areas.

Some thinner sheets have been used. I just cut them randomly and drill some holes here and there. These are all done without any reference to any reference photos. But I think it is good enough at such small scale.... no one is going to look really so close into the cockpit and compare to the real stuffs anyway...... ^.^

After a very quick air-brushing, washing and dry-brushing, The cockpit is not more detailed and I am quite satisfied with it. Let's move on with the rest~~

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