This page is dedicated to share scale modeling and other hobbies to all other enthusiasts who also love these stuffs. Hope you enjoy and please feel free to give me some comments no matter good or bad. Joey

Monday, January 30, 2012

Nissan March - Orange (5)

The interior details have been completed. I have refined the colors a few time to fix some of the masking flaws. But at the nd the job is done.

The body itself is also completed in 99%. I just need to fix the headlights and the direction lights so close it up. But before that, I still want to recreate some of the funny decorations for my friend.

Kawasaki T-4 Blue Impulse 2008 (4)

The intakes have been fitted and the wings are also assembled into the main frame.
Some fillings were done to shapen the lines and alignments.

I will need to highlight some of the details and panal lines before I start the painting work.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Nissan March - Orange (4)

I had a half day seating on the bench today, working this out almost to completion.
The windows and frames are painted; the interior is painted for most of the details. I will need to get some touch up and then a nice flat coat afterwards. And I have almost get rid of the too-simpliflied chassis except for the front brake discs.
So I guess I will need another 60mins of spraying and cluing to get this done.
Afterall, this is a build for my friend who has ben driving the same real stuffs for more than 2 years.

Kawasaki T-4 Blue Impulse 2008 (3)

Progress was slow with this kit as I focused more on the Nissan March all day... But I managed to get a nice masking for the canopies and a quick black base for them. I spent the midnight filling all the gaps between the main frame parts. So hopefully once I get the intakes ready for fit-in, the painting work can start straight ahead.

Friday, January 27, 2012

Kawasaki T-4 Blue Impulse 2008 (2)

The next thing to work on after fitting the wings and the intakes is the cockpit details.
There is hardly any details within the cockpit and I have decided to detail it up with some pieces of plastic sheets.

I started by marking the inner walls of the cockpit so I can work on the walls as well as the console areas.

Some thinner sheets have been used. I just cut them randomly and drill some holes here and there. These are all done without any reference to any reference photos. But I think it is good enough at such small scale.... no one is going to look really so close into the cockpit and compare to the real stuffs anyway...... ^.^

After a very quick air-brushing, washing and dry-brushing, The cockpit is not more detailed and I am quite satisfied with it. Let's move on with the rest~~

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Kawasaki T-4 Blue Impulse 2008

This is a new build for the Luner New Year vacation. This will be a very quick build just to clear some of th stocks. So no mod is expected.

After opening the box, I just found that it is a very simple kit just like the F-16. Hopefully will be a very funny one as I have been really long from my last jet fighter kit.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Nissan March - Orange (3)

There were months from the last touch on this kit. But I was trying to put it up all together soon now as to clear space at my desk.

The old music box has been lost and I have to build another one now.

The back of the seats have to be filled with plastic sheet as well.

After some review for what else to be work on, I think the kit is almost ready for assemble. That's why I was air-prushing the interior straight ahead.

I had some final enhancement on the back of the seats. Now they look much better.
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