This page is dedicated to share scale modeling and other hobbies to all other enthusiasts who also love these stuffs. Hope you enjoy and please feel free to give me some comments no matter good or bad. Joey

Thursday, March 29, 2012

German Waffen SS Unteroffizier

Once again, I have put away some of the current projects and enjoyed some time around painting figures. This time, I have get this resin figure from a friend of mine and this is a really great figure for resuming my figure painting journey.

The same set of paints have been used for a few good years. I actually found some of them are dry out and requirement replacements....

There are 2 optional heads to fit in. And I think I would need to repaint a couple of time for each of them anyway. Just like a practise, everytime I resumed painting figures, the first couple of head seems to be a mess.....LOL.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Kawasaki T-4 Blue Impulse 2008 (7)

So I have another run for the stensils and I have a couple of quick clear coats, one gross and one matt, laid on it. And after all these, I am able to remove the mask on the canopy.

I have hand-painted the darker lines on the wings to fit the blue shades.

The next thing to work on is the finer details inside the cockpit and then I will need to handle the landing gears.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Kawasaki T-4 Blue Impulse 2008 (6)

Just spend the evening having the color scheme painted. This is a custom mix of 2 blue colors. I didn't manage to get the Gunze #322 and #323 as stated in the instruction. But I think this color still match close enough to the decal anyway.

The next evening I have most of the decals applied. I need to leave the stensils for later time as I hardly able to focus from my eyes after consecutive evening audio meetings.

After some the decal applied, I found that the mask I have made on the wings are appearantly off the track. Perhaps I will have to hand paint the darkr shade of blue lines later on.

But afterall, I think the masking job is pretty close and I am still glad to have this progress going on so far.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Kawasaki T-4 Blue Impulse 2008 (5)

Finally, I have got some time after an exhausting biz trip and is now closer to normal life.... XD
The plane has been primed with a custome mix of grey as pre-shadow. Then the Gunze GX White has been used as highlight color.

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