It had been a great news Tamiya ever since developed this 1:12 figure to highlight Rossi's 9th World champion. I have got the kit once it was released but not until am I able to squeeze time to open the box.
Since I didn't have the 09 M1 build or assembled yet, I am putting the figure on the RCV at the moment for ease.

Do you think it is really such a great kit? I can tell NO! The parts are HORRIBLE! I can even say those crappy Miniart figures are way better! What I can barely like from the kit is the helmet and the decal sheet....
As you can see from the pictures below, the edges of the parts are rounded and barely shape. This caused serious problem for assmebling the parts together. A lot of filling will be required. I am so surprzed Tamiya is working out this figure this way!
As a matter of fact, I do love painting figures and I am already used to the filling for the military figures too. But I really do not expect Tamiya is delivering the figure as if it was those 20+year old AFV figures! Seriously disappointed.