This page is dedicated to share scale modeling and other hobbies to all other enthusiasts who also love these stuffs. Hope you enjoy and please feel free to give me some comments no matter good or bad. Joey

Monday, February 28, 2011

Nissan GTR R35 (3)

Getting this GTR polished is a far more harsh work than what I had expected. The 2K clear coat has been much harder than any of the clear coat I have ever encountered. Though, this GTR is easier to handle in terms of polishing than those 2 Jazz. And I have completed one of the 4 street cars I have in WIP now.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Valentino Rossi - Team Fiat Yamaha 2009 (7)

Just getting a test-fitting of the visor, about 50% transparency I guess. So the details and the painting on the face is quite difficult to be read afterwards......Anyway, I have the Rossi's face painted. LOL.

Here I have moved on with the lower body. The gaps between the parts are horrible, again... I have to fill them up, sand them smooth and make sure those details are maintained.... What a nightmare!

At some point, I gave myself a little break and headed on with some "simpler" decal works. The cartograf decals from the kit are brilliant! I have barely difficulties putting them on the helmet. I would say it is even better than those MSM Creations decals for helmets I have tried few years back! The shapes are all fitted intelligently and I'd never need to re-post the decals once put in place!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Nissan GTR R35 (2)

A couple of weeks ago, I was working on the bonnet of the GTR. SMS CF decals were used this time, with a little tint with Gunze #157. Later on, I applied the same clear coat as I did with the body. And things are set to turn still before I start any polishing.

Valentino Rossi - Team Fiat Yamaha 2009 (6)

Kind of obsessed with getting a desired face, I have been working on the face again for another night. Iris are painted in more details. Contrast has been strengthened. And a little beard was added as well.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Valentino Rossi - Team Fiat Yamaha 2009 (5)

So, here is my second attempt on the face. More highlights were putting on it to etting a lighter tone for the face.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Valentino Rossi - Team Fiat Yamaha 2009 (4)

Here is my first attempt to have the face painted. The up and down on the face are all very nicely scrupted, so I didn't have much trouble blending the colors at all, though it is a 1:12 scale face.

But afterall, all that is visible would be hidden with the helmet, let aside the visor is tinited....
Anyway, it is fun to see Rossi's face got painted by myself.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Nissan March - Orange (2)

After a couple of weeks, I have started the polishing of the rides. First, the Nissan March.
The clear coat is really hard and solid. I had a hard time sanding the surface to a smoothness that I demand. After a couple of nights of work, things were getting there and I hope to get rid of the Honda Jazz(es) as well.

Valentino Rossi - Team Fiat Yamaha 2009 (3)

After fitting enough for the body, I have moved on with the face first.
I have primed the face with surfacer and then with Gunze #33.

Then I get ready for my Andrea paints and laid a layer of flesh

The rubber texture has been keep the progress slow as I cannot heat up the paint with hair dryer. So I first start with the eyes. Just a very quick checkup to see how the eyes are looking at the left corner. Looking right? I hope so.... se please stay tuned.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Valentino Rossi - Team Fiat Yamaha 2009 (2)

Gaps between the parts are filling up now and I can say the best part of the entire kit is the helmet. Smooth and in scale.

In face of Rossi is scrupted very well. However, Tamiya is putting the face into a rubber.... I really doubt if the paint can stay still after all.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Valentino Rossi - Team Fiat Yamaha 2009

It had been a great news Tamiya ever since developed this 1:12 figure to highlight Rossi's 9th World champion. I have got the kit once it was released but not until am I able to squeeze time to open the box.

Since I didn't have the 09 M1 build or assembled yet, I am putting the figure on the RCV at the moment for ease.

Do you think it is really such a great kit? I can tell NO! The parts are HORRIBLE! I can even say those crappy Miniart figures are way better! What I can barely like from the kit is the helmet and the decal sheet....
As you can see from the pictures below, the edges of the parts are rounded and barely shape. This caused serious problem for assmebling the parts together. A lot of filling will be required. I am so surprzed Tamiya is working out this figure this way!

As a matter of fact, I do love painting figures and I am already used to the filling for the military figures too. But I really do not expect Tamiya is delivering the figure as if it was those 20+year old AFV figures! Seriously disappointed.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

LCR Honda RC211V 2006 - Casey Stoner - 7

Tonight I have get the exhuast completed. Weatherings were applied with reference to the Pit Walk Collections. And I had a quick pre-assembly of the cowlings to the chassis. Simple wiring works were done. I have left a couple of parts to be attached to the frame later on. And some fine coloring will be done on it as a final touch.

Monday, February 14, 2011

LCR Honda RC211V 2006 - Casey Stoner - 6

Second attempt of clear coat has been applied over the cowlings. This time, I had a mistake to let the air brush's nozzle opened after the paint was in. Some little bubbles appear from the front end. I thought it wouldn't affect the result at all after removing those bubbles... However, when this applied to windshield, the little bubbles did and do affect the clarity.....

No pain no gain, I have "once again", learnt from mistakes. And hopefully it is not a "46" bike.... Haha.


Sunday, February 6, 2011

LCR Honda RC211V 2006 - Casey Stoner - 5

Just as I have some more spare time before the holiday comes to an end, I have the chassis painted and ready.

I was trying to replicate the weather effect as much as I can with some AFV techniques I have got from some previous works. I have been particularly focusing on the weathering and choice of paints over them. I guess I will have to re-work the radiator again as he weathering doesn't look right at all. But I am pretty satisfied with the rest of the stuffs since

Saturday, February 5, 2011

LCR Honda RC211V 2006 - Casey Stoner - 4

As part of the clear coat test, I have also tested the effect of 2K coating on the golden decals...
However, the decals still crack at certain extend... Anyway, I will still have the kit completed despite the golden beans can nolonger be preserved.

Honda Jazz (6)

Happy CNY! Gong Xi Fa Cai!
This is the Year of the Rabbit. And I have a 4 consecutive holiday. This allows me to have spare time to go through some heavy duty tasks for some of my kit undergoing.

One of my friends have helped me out in getting some 2K clear paint earlier and it is time to give it a try. Alike the Finisher GP2, this clear paint comes with 1 portion of master paint, 1 portion of hardener and 1 portion of thinner. As a precaution, I worked on a well-ventilated environment with 3M mask on my face.

The coating is very well laid and it tooks me a bout 2 hours to complete the bodies of 4 different kits.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

LCR Honda RC211V 2006 - Casey Stoner - 3

By the time preparing for the CNY, I have a little spare moments to move on with this bike.
After comparing reference pictures on Pit Walk Collection 2006, I have found that the frame from the kit actually has obvious differences. I had to do some filling and sanding before I gave the weldings back in place.
This appearantly is the difference between the 2003 and the 2006 rides. I am surprized that Tamiya has been putting 2003 frame as 2006 frame! Hopefully this is just the satelite team so in fact, Stoner was using the new parts at the later races. So I can limit my modification over the frame as if I am workin on his earlier races.

The inside of the swing arms was filled and weldings were recreated.

This time, I didn't fill all the inside of the frame as this will be a "curbside" kit at the moment. I am trying to limit the mod I am doing on it now.
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